Thursday, February 28, 2019

                              INDUSTRY PRACTICES AND TOOLS 2


 Code quality matters in many ways

 The long-term usefulness and long-term maintainability of the  code
 •Minimize errors and easily debugged
 •Improve understand ability
 •Decrease risks

 Impact of Quality code

 Clarity: Easy to read and oversee for anyone who isn’t the creator of the code. If it’s easy to understand, it’s much easier to maintain and extend the code. Not just computers, but also humans need to understand it.

 Maintainable: A high-quality code isn’t over complicated. Anyone working with the code has to understand the whole context of the code if they want to make any changes.

 Documented: The best thing is when the code is self -explaining, but it’s always recommended to add comments to the code to explain its role and functions. It makes it much easier for anyone who didn’t take part in writing the code to understand and maintain it.

Refactored: Code formatting needs to be consistent and follow the language’s coding conventions.

 Well-tested: The less bug the code has the higher its quality is. Thorough testing filters out critical bugs ensuring that the software works the way it’s intended.

 Extensible: The code you receive has to be extensible. It’s not really great when you have to throw it away after a few weeks.

 Efficiency: High-quality code doesn’t use unnecessary        resources to perform a desired action.

The quality of the code can be measured by different aspects

Weighted Micro Function Points
•Halstead Complexity Measures
•Cyclomatic Complexity
•Lines of code
•Lines of code per method

How to maintain the code quality?

Documenting the code. Comments improves the readability and the understandability of the code.

 Regular Code Reviews. According to a recent survey, software professionals rank code reviews as the number one way to improve programming. These reviews enable developers to collaborate and share knowledge with each other, which improves their work. Furthermore, reviews ensure that code adheres to established standards.

 Functional Testing. Functional testing is important because it encourages developers to focus on software functionality from the outset, reducing extraneous code. The aim of software development is to write an application that delivers exactly what users need.

Clear Requirements. Most software development projects begin with a requirements document, or story cards in agile development. A project with clear, feasible requirements is much more likely to achieve high quality than ambiguous, poorly specified requirements.

How to maintain the code quality?

•Using Code Review tools

Need for dependency/package management tools in software development

Software project may have a backbone framework and many external artefacts linked

•Third party packages
•External libraries

These external artefacts may introduce many integration issues

•Different folder/file structures and may use different ways of integrating into the main framework
•Different external artifacts may use different ways of integration
•Different versions are available and difficult to upgrade

There are tools to manage these external artefacts towards minimizing these issues

•Composer [php ]

•Maven [Java]

•NuGet [.net]

•NPM (Node Package Manager) [JS]

•Bower [JS]

Role of dependency/package management tools in software development

package manager or package management system is a collection of software tools that automates the process of installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing computer programs for a computer's operating system in a consistent manner.[1]
A package manager deals with packages, distributions of software and data in archive files. Packages contain metadata, such as the software's name, description of its purpose, version number, vendor, checksum, and a list of dependencies necessary for the software to run properly. Upon installation, metadata is stored in a local package database. Package managers typically maintain a database of software dependencies and version information to prevent software mismatches and missing prerequisites. They work closely with software repositoriesbinary repository managers, and app stores.
Package managers are designed to eliminate the need for manual installs and updates. This can be particularly useful for large enterprises whose operating systems are based on Linux and other Unix-like systems, typically consisting of hundreds or even tens of thousands of distinct software packages.

Different dependency/package management tools used in industry

Composer [php ]

Composer is an application-level package manager for the PHP programming language that provides a standard format for managing dependencies of PHP software and required libraries. It was developed by Nils Adermann and Jordi Boggiano, who continue to manage the project. They began development in April 2011 and first released it on March 1, 2012. Composer is strongly inspired by Node.js's "npm" and Ruby's "bundler".The project's dependency solving algorithm started out as a PHP-based port of openSUSE's libzypp satsolver.
Composer runs through the command line and installs dependencies (e.g. libraries) for an application. It also allows users to install PHP applications that are available on "Packagist"which is its main repository containing available packages. It also provides auto load capabilities for libraries that specify auto load information to ease usage of third-party code.

Maven [Java]

Maven, a Yiddish word meaning accumulator of knowledge, was originally started as an attempt to simplify the build processes in the Jakarta Turbine project. There were several projects each with their own Ant build files that were all slightly different and JARs were checked into CVS. We wanted a standard way to build the projects, a clear definition of what the project consisted of, an easy way to publish project information and a way to share JARs across several projects.
The result is a tool that can now be used for building and managing any Java-based project. We hope that we have created something that will make the day-to-day work of Java developers easier and generally help with the comprehension of any Java-based project.
Maven’s primary goal is to allow a developer to comprehend the complete state of a development effort in the shortest period of time. In order to attain this goal there are several areas of concern that Maven attempts to deal with:
§  Making the build process easy
§  Providing a uniform build system
§  Providing quality project information
§  Providing guidelines for best practices development
§  Allowing transparent migration to new features

NuGet [.net]

An essential tool for any modern development platform is a mechanism through which developers can create, share, and consume useful code. Often such code is bundled into "packages" that contain compiled code (as DLLs) along with other content needed in the projects that consume these packages.
For .NET (including .NET Core), the Microsoft-supported mechanism for sharing code is NuGet, which defines how packages for .NET are created, hosted, and consumed, and provides the tools for each of those roles.
Put simply, a NuGet package is a single ZIP file with the .nupkg extension that contains compiled code (DLLs), other files related to that code, and a descriptive manifest that includes information like the package's version number. Developers with code to share create packages and publish them to a public or private host. Package consumers obtain those packages from suitable hosts, add them to their projects, and then call a package's functionality in their project code. NuGet itself then handles all of the intermediate details.
Because NuGet supports private hosts alongside the public host, you can use NuGet packages to share code that's exclusive to an organization or a work group. You can also use NuGet packages as a convenient way to factor your own code for use in nothing but your own projects. In short, a NuGet package is a shareable unit of code, but does not require nor imply any particular means of sharing.

Build tool

• Build tools are programs that automate the creation of executable applications from source code.

• Building incorporates compiling, linking and packaging the code into a usable or executable form.

 •In small projects, developers will often manually invoke the build process. This is not practical for larger projects, where it is very hard to keep track of what needs to be built, in what sequence and what dependencies there are in the building process. Using an automation tool allows the build process to be more consistent.

Build automation

On-demand automation such as a user running a script at the command line

Scheduled automation such as a continuous integration server running a nightly build

Triggered automation such as a continuous integration server running a build on every commit to a version-control system.

The advantages of build automation to software development projects include

        A necessary pre-condition for continuous integration and continuous testing

        Improve product quality

        Accelerate the compile and link processing

        Eliminate redundant tasks

        Minimize "bad builds"

        Eliminate dependencies on key personnel

        Have history of builds and releases in order to investigate issues

        Save time and money - because of the reasons listed above

Different build tools used in industry


•Maven uses Convention over Configuration, which means developers are not required to create build process themselves.

 •Developers do not have to mention each and every configuration detail. Maven provides sensible default behavior for projects.

•A Build Life cycle is a well-defined sequence of phases, which define the order in which the goals are to be executed

•The primary(default) life cycle of Maven is used to build the application, using 23 phases

 • Validate
 • Generate-sources
 • Compile
 • Generate-test-sources

•A Build profile is a set of configuration values, which can be used to set or override default values of Maven build.

•Using a build profile, you can customize build for different environments such as Production and Development environments

•When we execute mvn post-clean command, Maven invokes the clean life cycle consisting of the following phases.


• clean


•Maven clean goal (clean: clean) is bound to the clean phase in the clean life cycle

•Its clean:cleangoal deletes the output of a build by deleting the build directory


Gradle is an open-source build automation system that builds upon the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven and introduces a Groovy-based domain-specific language (DSL) instead of the XML form used by Apache Maven for declaring the project configuration.[1] Gradle uses a directed acyclic graph ("DAG") to determine the order in which tasks can be run.
Gradle was designed for multi-project builds, which can grow to be quite large. It supports incremental builds by intelligently determining which parts of the build tree are up to date; any task dependent only on those parts does not need to be re-executed.


MSBuild is a build tool that helps automate the process of creating a software product, including compiling the source codepackaging, testing, deployment and creating documentations. With MSBuild, it is possible to build Visual Studio projects and solutions without the Visual Studio IDE installed. MSBuild is free and open-source.[5] MSBuild was previously bundled with .NET Framework; starting with Visual Studio 2013, however, it is bundled with Visual Studio instead.[6] MSBuild is a functional replacement for the nmake utility, which remains in use in projects that originated in older Visual Studio releases.
MSBuild acts on MSBuild project files which have a similar XML syntax to Apache Ant or NAnt. Even though the syntax is based upon well-defined XML schema, the fundamental structure and operation is comparable to the traditional Unix make utility: the user specifies what will be used (typically source code files) and what the result should be (typically a static library, DLL or an executable application), but the utility itself decides what to do and the order in which to carry out the build.
MSBuild can build a project against a supported .NET Framework version of choice. This feature is called "multitargeting". Any given build of a project, however, can only target one version of the framework at a time.


sbt is an open-source build tool for Scala and Java projects, similar to Java's Maven and Ant.
Its main features are:
·        Native support for compiling Scala code and integrating with many Scala test frameworks
·        Continuous compilation, testing, and deployment
·        Incremental testing and compilation (only changed sources are re-compiled, only affected tests are re-run etc.)
·        Build descriptions written in Scala using a DSL
·        Dependency management using Ivy (which supports Maven-format repositories)
·        Integration with the Scala interpreter for rapid iteration and debugging
·        Support for mixed Java/Scala projects.

Build life cycle

What is build life cycle? The sequence of steps which is defined in order to execute the tasks and goals of any maven project is known as build life cycle in maven. Maven 2.0 version is basically a build life cycle oriented and clearly says that these steps are well defined to get the desired output after the successful execution of the build life cycle.
Maven comes with 3 built-in build life cycles as shown below :
·        Clean - this phase involves cleaning of the project (for a fresh build & deployment)
·        Default - this phase handles the complete deployment of the project
·        Site - this phase handles the generating the java documentation of the project.
Now we will dig more into the detailed phases involved in the above mentioned built-in build life cycles.

Build Life Cycle of clean phase

As mentioned above, this clean phase is used to clean up the project and make it ready for the fresh compile and deployment. The command used for the same is mvn post-clean. When this command is invoked, maven executes the below tasks via executing the below commands internally :
1.    mvn pre-clean
2.    mvn clean
3.    mvn post-clean

This maven's clean is a goal and on executing it cleans up the output directory (target folder) by deleting all the compiled files.

Maven uses conventions over configurations

Convention over configuration (also known as coding by convention) is a software design paradigm used by software frameworks that attempts to decrease the number of decisions that a developer using the framework is required to make without necessarily losing flexibility. The concept was introduced by David Heine Meier Hansson to describe the philosophy of the Ruby on Rails web framework, but is related to earlier ideas like the concept of "sensible defaults" and the principle of least astonishment in user interface design.
Build phases, build life cycle, build profile, and build goal in Maven

Maven Build Lifecycle 

The Maven build follows a specific life cycle to deploy and distribute the target project.
There are three built-in life cycles:
  • default: the main life cycle as it’s responsible for project deployment
  • clean: to clean the project and remove all files generated by the previous build
  • site: to create the project’s site documentation
Each life cycle consists of a sequence of phases. The default build life cycle consists of 23 phases as it’s the main build lifecycle.
On the other hand, clean life cycle consists of 3 phases, while the site lifecycle is made up of 4 phases.

Maven Phase

A Maven phase represents a stage in the Maven build lifecycle. Each phase is responsible for a specific task.
Here are some of the most important phases in the default build lifecycle:
  • validate: check if all information necessary for the build is available
  • compile: compile the source code
  • test-compile: compile the test source code
  • test: run unit tests
  • package: package compiled source code into the distributable format (jar, war, …)
  • integration-test: process and deploy the package if needed to run integration tests
  • install: install the package to a local repository
  • deploy: copy the package to the remote repository

Maven Goal

Each phase is a sequence of goals, and each goal is responsible for a specific task.
When we run a phase – all goals bound to this phase are executed in order.
Here are some of the phases and default goals bound to them:
  • compiler:compile – the compile goal from the compiler plugin is bound to the compile phase
  • compiler:testCompile is bound to the test-compile phase
  • surefire:test is bound to test phase
  • install:install is bound to install phase
  • jar:jar and war:war is bound to package phase
Maven build profile

A profile in Maven is an alternative set of configuration values which set or override default values. Using a profile, you can customize a build for different environments. Profiles are configured in the pom.xml and are given an identifier. Then you can run Maven with a command-line flag that tells Maven to execute goals in a specific profile. The following pom.xml uses a production profile to override the default settings of the Compiler plugin.

How Maven manages dependency/packages and build life cycle

What is build life cycle? The sequence of steps which is defined in order to execute the tasks and goals of any maven project is known as build life cycle in maven. Maven 2.0 version is basically a build life cycle oriented and clearly says that these steps are well defined to get the desired output after the successful execution of the build life cycle.
Maven comes with 3 built-in build life cycles as shown below :
·        Clean - this phase involves cleaning of the project (for a fresh build & deployment)
·        Default - this phase handles the complete deployment of the project
·        Site - this phase handles the generating the java documentation of the project.

Maven is based around the central concept of a build lifecycle. What this means is that the process for building and distributing a particular artifact (project) is clearly defined.
For the person building a project, this means that it is only necessary to learn a small set of commands to build any Maven project, and the POM will ensure they get the results they desired.
There are three built-in build lifecycles: default, clean and site. The default lifecycle handles your project deployment, the clean lifecycle handles project cleaning, while the site lifecycle handles the creation of your project's site documentation.
These lifecycle phases (plus the other lifecycle phases not shown here) are executed sequentially to complete the default lifecycle. Given the lifecycle phases above, this means that when the default lifecycle is used, Maven will first validate the project, then will try to compile the sources, run those against the tests, package the binaries (e.g. jar), run integration tests against that package, verify the integration tests, install the verified package to the local repository, then deploy the installed package to a remote repository.

Contemporary tools and practices widely used in the software industry

The best project management tool is Wrike. This outstanding project management platform is currently used by over 18,000 satisfied clients throughout the world to help them achieve visibility, make planning simpler, allow collaboration, and simplify process workflow. It is an excellent online project management tool that can adjust to the needs of any team in any type of business.
With so many PM tools to choose from, how can you select the right one for your needs? We’ll help you do that through this article, by discussing the key features, benefits, and pricing structures of our experts’ pick for the 10 best project management tools in the market today. Read on and you’ll likely find one or two PM tools that will suit your project management needs.

    1 Wrike

How valuable is a project management system for your business? An overwhelming 97% of organizations agreed that project management is critical to business performance and organizational success, and 94% believe that project management enables business growth. Furthermore, 77% of high performing companies understand the value of project management, and they are able to successfully complete 89% of their projects. Having a project management system in place and following project management practices and methodologies have produced positive results for organizations.
How do you choose which project management software is best for you? Make sure it offers features that will enable you to collaborate with your team, share files and documents, manage cost, and get reliable reporting and documentation. It is also important for the software to be easy to use and learn. You may want to check out our guide to project management software for a more in-depth understanding of what project management software is all about. In this article, we’ll focus on helping you choose the best software for your needs. Below, we’ve gathered 10 of the best project management platforms out there that you should consider.

are the top 10 best project management tools?
